We meet again!

Satsang* tonight!

You are invited to join us.

All details are here.

(I've been asked to write a blurb about satsang. This is in draft form for the moment.)

*What is satsang? 

Satsang is the name of a meeting where the focus of the meeting is on true nature, our essential essence. Satsang is an ancient sanskrit word comprised of two words. 'Sat' means Being. 'Sang' means 'in the company of'. It comes from sangha, which is a spiritual community. Satsang is a gathering of Being. That's what our true nature is. Beingness. Stillness. Consciousness. We gather together as our true self, our formless essence.

Satsang is a celebration of being. It's a feast. We deeply explore this that we are. The beingness. We feast on this essence. We give our complete and undivided attention to our formlessness self. This is what makes satsang so radical and transformative. Rather than focusing on the forms, the things that come and go, (which is what most of the world focuses on), we focus on what is always here, the constant. Beingness. We prove a Law of the Universe that says, what you focus on expands. Focus on formlessness and experience what happens. That is the experiment of satsang and the invitation. Focus on true nature. Then we experience the results. 

Just like everything else, satsang is an energy field. It's a live being. Unrehearsed. Unscripted. It's one with the flow of all Life. Not separate. Very potent. Very powerful. It holds a strong intention. It offers the possibility of a complete rest. A rest from living in time, from living in the thinking mind, from living as a separate one. It offers the possibility of a shift. A shift in perspective.  A shift in consciousness. The shift out of the ideas of what we think are or thought we are, or who we've been told that we are. The shift out of what we are not. It offers a shift into reality. Reality where there is peace and joy and love for no reason at all. Uncaused. Unconditional. 

It is very joyful to simply be together. To hold the space together. Being the space. Being consciousness of being. Stopping. Being still. Listening. Listening deeply. Listening to the true voice. The voice of wisdom, of knowing. Obeying. In obedience to the meeting, to why we were called together, to the formless One. Then we can truly be here in service. In service to each other. In service to the One. We can truly attend to whatever arises. We can give it the space to be. We have this ability. The capacity. We know ourselves as the space. The stillness. The beingness. The warmhearted expression.

There is only one reason why we meet. That is: to be our true Self. To be conscious of who we truly are. That's the intention of satsang. We don't meet to get rid of things (thoughts, emotions, body things [aches, pains, discomforts], the mind, the ego) or to stop things (thoughts, the mind, the world) or to solve problems or to try to achieve certain states of consciousness. We meet to be conscious of the consciousness that is already here. Here right now. Not needing anything. Not needing anything to be different. In the midst of what's happening, here we are. The still conscious space. Conscious of being. Any answers that are needed, they appear. They come from the stillness, from the space. As does the creativity, the insights, the inspirations, the knowings, the revelations, the miracles.

Satsang is the space. The space to gather together and be. Be at home in the heart. It's not therapy or a social event or a networking event or a dating service. It's not philosophy or religion. In satsang there is space. Space for being. Space for doing nothing (in the truest sense of doing nothing in the head). Space for true speaking, sharing, enquiring. Space for truly meeting. Space for silence. Gaps of silence. Not needing to fill up the space with useless thinking or useless speaking. Space for listening. And for being listened to. Space to honour the space, the essence, the One. Space to enjoy being. Resting here and enjoying. Enjoying the stillness that we are. Not the stillness that we'll be one day. The stillness that is, right now. 

Satsang offers possibilities. As an experiment, the results depend on one's intention, one's priority, on what's most important, on where the focus is. Hold a strong intention for coming to satsang, for being in satsang and get good results. The results can be more space, more stillness, more joy, more clarity, more peace, more love, a deeper resting, a deeper recognition of who we are. We claim our birthright (what we came here for) as a fully (100%) conscious human being. 100%.


  1. Thank you Moni,I cant go as i live in Ibiza but here I am reading your writing and inspired to just sit down and do(not do) as you said.Thank you


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